
항 목 논문
제목 Role of Low- and High-Frequency Oscillations in the Human Hippocampus for Encoding Environmental Novelty During a Spatial Navigation Task
날짜 2014-11-01
관련 URL
관련 과제
공동 참여자
키워드 environmental novelty, low-frequency oscillation, high-frequency oscillations, hip-pocampus, intracranial electro-encephalography
항 목
제 목
Role of Low- and High-Frequency Oscillations in the Human Hippocampus for Encoding Environmental Novelty During a Spatial Navigation Task
날 짜
관련 URL
관련 과제
공동 참여자
environmental novelty, low-frequency oscillation, high-frequency oscillations, hip-pocampus, intracranial electro-encephalography